What Are You Anticipating
by Christina Cain - Women's Ministry Director on February 8th, 2025
Waiting, hoping, anticipating. I doubt that there is a day that goes by where those actions are absent from our thoughts. Waiting is often hard and can be overwhelming at times. Waiting to get pregnant, waiting for that next paycheck, waiting for that loved one to make a turnaround in their life. We wait with hope. We eagerly wait with excitement anticipating the good of that “something” happening...  Read More
Authentic Fellowship
by Manning Brown - Operation's Pastor on February 7th, 2025
We all go through life meeting many people who intersect our lives in an impactful way. Many remain acquaintances, either through proximity or personality. Some become friends, even close friends. Those with whom you interact on some kind of regular and cordial basis. My mother had quite a list of friends that fell into this category. Even if she moved away, which happened quite often being a mili...  Read More
Something Way Better
by Brandon Robertson - Campus Director (GB) on February 6th, 2025
As children we all had moments, especially around Christmas, when we knew what we wanted, maybe it was the hottest toy on the market or something all of our friends had first. Later to open your gifts and fall in love with something you didn't expect to get. As adults we wish and dream for better jobs, a better car, a bigger house! No matter what it is, our flesh wants more and bigger. As the worl...  Read More
Thinking Beyond Myself
by Jeremy Jentzen - Devotional's Editor on February 5th, 2025
"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had." Acts 4:32This sense of unity and selflessness is often a challenge in our society today—a society that places more value on personal achievement and individual success, than working together in unity. I could write on and on about the dangers of those thi...  Read More
Get Stirred Up, Stand Your Ground, and Live Souled Out
by Matt Hatton - Children's Pastor on February 4th, 2025
The commotion began to grow, the noise started to stir, a man that they had all walked by at the gate was now walking, jumping, and shouting praise to God! The actions of Peter and John, led to an opportunity to preach Christ. Repentance and belief filled the colonnade. Over five thousand had now come to faith in the risen Christ. In marched the disturbed religious leaders who felt threatened. So ...  Read More
The Blueprint
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on February 3rd, 2025
How does a person lose weight? How does a team win a championship? How does a business grow their influence? How does a relationship stay connected? How does a Christian stay consistently committed to Christ? We are all looking for the “magic formula” or the “blueprint for success.” There is one emphatic characteristic of success...endurance.Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard and comm...  Read More