It’s My Time
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on September 16th, 2024
When I came to Emmanuel over 12 years ago, I had no idea what it took to lead a church. I had been a youth pastor for over 17 years, and youth ministry was my specialty. So, I came with a teachable heart. I also came with a passionate heart. For the first year, I knew that I would make very few changes, and my strategy was eventually to “make changes by addition instead of changes by subtraction.”...  Read More
“Be Strong & Courageous” (Courage Challenges)
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on September 15th, 2024
Main Point and Overview:   Any time there is a transition of leadership, there are obstacles to overcome. Moses was a powerful and persistent leader for Israel, and now, he was passing the mantel to Joshua. What stood in front of Joshua must have felt daunting. That is why on multiple occasions, Joshua is reminded to “be strong and courageous.” It was a theme for him to embrace whether it came fro...  Read More
Succession Plan: Part 2
by Brandon Robertson - GB Campus Director on September 14th, 2024
Numbers 27:18-23 We all love a good success story! I think back to the 2014 Rose Bowl game where Michigan State faced off against Stanford. I will always remember the pivotal play of the game. With less than 2 minutes remaining Stanford was faced with a 4th and 1. Michigan state didn't stop the drive. If they hold them from getting one yard, they seal the game and win. Well, the ball was snapped, ...  Read More
Succession Plan: Part 1
by Manning Brown - Operation's Pastor on September 13th, 2024
Numbers 27:12-18There were many factors that served as a catalyst for the American Colonies to pursue independence from Great Britian. Review your history books and you will read about the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts, the Coercive Acts—the list goes on. Ultimately, it boiled down to the issue of self-determination. The British Monarchy to this day, as do other countries that have “royal rule,” re...  Read More
Who Will Be A Leader
by Kyle Wendel - Connection Pastor on September 12th, 2024
Numbers 14:1-9 Who will step up and be a leader? We are constantly looking for someone to step up and lead. You see it in everyday life in many different aspects. In sports, teams are always looking for someone who will step up, be a captain, and lead the team. The leader is obviously important, but I think others who also lead without being the main leader are just as important. I have been on ma...  Read More
Overwhelming Obstacles
by Ross Martello - Youth Pastor on September 11th, 2024
Numbers 13:26-33  The Israelites just got done running away from their home, being attacked by the Egyptians, crossing the Red Sea, dealt with an angry guy making a golden calf, building the tabernacle, and trekking through a foreign land, so, the thought of being attacked was something in the back of their mind at all times. It was a very trying time for the nation. I mean, anytime you leave what...  Read More