
Magnify Youth Group

Wednesday Nights  6:00-8:00PM (Grand Blanc campus begins at 6:30PM)

Teens, 6th-12th grade, meet together to worship our God, learn from His word and encourage one another through friendships in small groups.  This night is designed so every teen that comes knows the good news that Jesus brings to the world and how we should live in response to that Good news.  This is a great way to get connected to other teens who will encourage you to be everything God has created you to be.  If you are in need of a ride, we have van and bus routes available in certain areas only - contact Pastor Ross.

Amplify Youth

Outreach 6-8:30PM (Flint Campus)

Thursday nights, September thru May, are filled with exciting games, sports, video games, music, café and more.  This night is designed for teens who are not sure about Church and who want to be able to check it out without having to sit through a whole church gathering.  Our night does consist of a short bible lesson where teens will hear about who Jesus is and why we should put our faith in Him.  It is a great place for friends to come and have a good time.  If you are in need of a ride, we have van routes available in certain areas only.