“Preparing to Succeed” (Courage Mindset)
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on September 22nd, 2024
Main Point and Overview:   Success doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of a process. We all want to be successful husbands or wives, fathers or mothers, leaders or followers, etc. We should desire to be successful disciples of Jesus Christ! In order to achieve spiritual success, we must have a proper mindset. To the professional world, a person must find the balance of confidence and humility, co...  Read More
On The Same Page…To Start
by Christina Cain - Women's Ministry Director on September 21st, 2024
A lot has changed over the centuries of how land ownership is acquired. I can still hear my eighth grade U.S. history teacher, Mr. Elias, passionately share about land being acquired through compromise, purchase, and a lot of conflict; the Revolutionary War, Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Indian Wars, and forced treaties just to name a few. Have you become a landowner lately? ...  Read More
The Key To Success
by Jeremy Jentzen - Devotional's Editor on September 20th, 2024
The one thing everyone wants to know is— “what is the secret to success?” No matter what job setting, life stage, or relationship phase, people want to know how to be successful. I see it, I hear it, and I’ve asked the question myself, more than I am willing to admit. But what if the answer to the question is more universal than we think?You want to be a successful businessman/woman—Read your Bibl...  Read More
Always With Us…No Matter What
by Kyle Wendel - Connection Pastor on September 19th, 2024
Joshua 1:1-5 "After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon,...  Read More
It Will Not Be Easy: Part 2
by Ross Martello - Youth Pastor on September 18th, 2024
Such an interesting talk by God. Moses finishes writing the Law (the first 5 books of the Bible), and God tells them to place it beside the ark and it will “remain a witness against you.” God knew that there would be times that the people would falter and go their own ways. God knew there would be times in which he would have to punish Israel. God knew there would be leaders in Israel that would l...  Read More
It Will Not Be Easy: Part 1
by Matt Hatton - Children's Pastor on September 17th, 2024
We had felt like Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they prepared for their journey to explore the vast and newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. Our bags were packed full of warm clothing and extra sleepwear, we had the proper provisions to make fire in several different ways, we had stores of food, water filtration systems and iodine tablets, tarps, tents, and we had even checked the weather in ...  Read More