Get Stirred Up, Stand Your Ground, and Live Souled Out

The commotion began to grow, the noise started to stir, a man that they had all walked by at the gate was now walking, jumping, and shouting praise to God! The actions of Peter and John, led to an opportunity to preach Christ. Repentance and belief filled the colonnade. Over five thousand had now come to faith in the risen Christ. In marched the disturbed religious leaders who felt threatened. So threatened, they threw Peter and John in jail for questioning the next day. Peter and John now faced a decision: To go back to the comfortable? Or, to embrace the uncomfortable? I don’t think John nor Peter, thought twice. They did not look back, they did not pass go, they did not collect two-hundred dollars. They stood boldly and fiercely in the face of opposition. It was only a month or two later, and the memories of Peter’s three-fold denial would’ve been fresh, the pain of the crucifixion would’ve rang loudly in their ears, but they didn’t budge. To the very same people that arrested Jesus and put him on trial, seized Peter and John, put them in jail, and tried to find grounds for their own punishments… The two didn’t give an inch. They stood, and they stood firm. Every prodding question was met with a fearsome blow from Peter and John.  
“It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Ac 4:10–12)
The religious leaders were shook, and rightly so! They stood no chance against the power that propelled Peter and John forward. The religious leaders tried to tell them not to proclaim the resurrection, but Peter and John ONLY CARED ABOUT WHAT WAS RIGHT IN GOD’S EYES!  
"But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” (Ac 4:19–20)
What had they seen and heard that prompted these life defying actions? They had seen Jesus risen again! They heard his words of comfort, his purpose giving command, and his soul satisfying mission to all who believe. So, it is with us, what have you witnessed the power of the gospel do that prompts you to proclaim it at all costs? Have you seen it transform someone’s life? Have you experienced it break the chains of addiction? Have you felt the purpose it brings? Have your witnessed priorities get redirected? Has your own slate been wiped clean?  Have you been given a second chance? CAN YOU HELP BUT SPEAK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE SEEN AND HEARD?!?! I pray that this account of Peter and John fuels my desire to go, to witness, and to stand for the Gospel! How can we not continue to boldly go after what we have witnessed the power of God do?

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