Main Point and Overview:
There is not a single event in world history that can compare to The Cross of Jesus Christ. It is the greatest display of sacrificial love that there has ever been. What makes it so special is the magnitude of the price that was paid by a completely innocent man. Sometimes, we forget what Jesus went through, or at least, we block it out of our memories. Maybe it makes us uncomfortable. Maybe it makes us feel a sense of guilt for how we are presently living. I mean, how could we not fully commit to someone who gave so much for us? The time had come, and Jesus embraced his purpose with a passion unknown to mankind. Instead of looking to avoid the pain, he embraced it knowing the promise that it would bring. What can be lost in this whole experience is the “disrespect” that was shown to Jesus. Could you ever imagine “cussing out” the president of a country? Could you ever imagine mocking the CEO of your company…right to his face? Could you ever imagine, choosing a known criminal over an innocent man? Before Jesus even faced a nail or a thorn, he faced complete disrespect. Those who had the “power” to recognize his innocence, instead, succumbed to the pressure. Those who should have bowed down and worshipped him, instead, made fun of his credentials. Can you imagine? The omnipotent Son of God in the flesh, Emmanuel, being treated like a dog?! Then, the physical pain came. Pain that theologians and doctors have stated is incomparable to anything that has ever been experienced in human history. What is the most amazing part of it is that he willingly embraced The Cross when he could have annihilated his enemies. How has that kind of love changed your life? How has that kind of love shaped your life’s purpose for existence?
There is not a single event in world history that can compare to The Cross of Jesus Christ. It is the greatest display of sacrificial love that there has ever been. What makes it so special is the magnitude of the price that was paid by a completely innocent man. Sometimes, we forget what Jesus went through, or at least, we block it out of our memories. Maybe it makes us uncomfortable. Maybe it makes us feel a sense of guilt for how we are presently living. I mean, how could we not fully commit to someone who gave so much for us? The time had come, and Jesus embraced his purpose with a passion unknown to mankind. Instead of looking to avoid the pain, he embraced it knowing the promise that it would bring. What can be lost in this whole experience is the “disrespect” that was shown to Jesus. Could you ever imagine “cussing out” the president of a country? Could you ever imagine mocking the CEO of your company…right to his face? Could you ever imagine, choosing a known criminal over an innocent man? Before Jesus even faced a nail or a thorn, he faced complete disrespect. Those who had the “power” to recognize his innocence, instead, succumbed to the pressure. Those who should have bowed down and worshipped him, instead, made fun of his credentials. Can you imagine? The omnipotent Son of God in the flesh, Emmanuel, being treated like a dog?! Then, the physical pain came. Pain that theologians and doctors have stated is incomparable to anything that has ever been experienced in human history. What is the most amazing part of it is that he willingly embraced The Cross when he could have annihilated his enemies. How has that kind of love changed your life? How has that kind of love shaped your life’s purpose for existence?
Posted in Devotional