Pray For “Difference Makers”

Having grown up in church my whole life, as a pastor’s kid, I have been around several people who I would consider to be “Prayer Warriors”. You may know some of these people in your own lives. The Prayer Warriors I have encountered are nothing short of admirable. To selflessly give up one’s personal time to make time for prayer, to not necessarily pray for themselves but to spend time praying for other people and situations, is one of the most beautiful and honoring things one can possibly do for someone else. My mind goes to a man, who I will leave unnamed, because he would be completely mortified if I gave him this type of praise, publicly or privately. I once asked him for prayer, and he said, “give me specifics, keep me posting on changes, because I am in this with you now.” I was shocked at all the questions….I assumed he would say the Christian go to— “I’ll be praying for you.” Now this man is an older man, and during this exchange his son was sitting there listening to our conversation, and when his dad got up to leave, he informed me how serious of a pray-er he is…he leaves notes all over his house, his bathroom mirror is filled with peoples names, and he has time reminders on his phone to remember to pray. Needless to say, I was shocked, I had never met anyone who took prayer that seriously. So, because of him, I have done my best to be as faithful in prayer as this dear friend.  
Now, I am not writing this to guilt anyone into praying in any type of way. However, I am writing this to encourage you to just pray! Pray not just for yourselves and your own lives and situations, but for your friends, family, leaders, any and everything/one. You see, we have an unending access to go before our Mighty God and intercede for others, to lay before God the pain, burdens, and triumphs of people all around us. So, how are you doing in this area? Are you making time for prayer?  
Each and every one of us can make a difference in this world. We may not be pastors. We may not be missionaries. We may not be in any sort of position of leadership. However, we can all make a difference by humbly going for the Lord, and taking every care, every good and bad thing, ever praise and thanks, and laying it at his feet for ALL people. We can be difference makers! So, as we enter this New Year, will you commit to being a difference maker? This world needs more people praying, and I hope that YOU join team “Prayer Warrior”!

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