The Shepherd Is Persistence
by Christina Cain - Women's Ministry Director on August 17th, 2024
On a recent walk I enjoyed a nice paws, I mean pause, at the dog park. Most of my life, I’ve had a dog. Tapping into my memory archives, I recall Tiger the beagle, Puppy Thomas the mutt, Herbie the basset-beagle, Sugar the samoyed, Mick the german shepherd, a labrador trifecta consisting of; Gracie Girl the chocolate, Hannah the yellow, Bear the black, and then my most recent little buddy, Apollo ...  Read More
The Shepherd Is Purposeful
by Brandon Robertson - Campus Director (GB) on August 16th, 2024
As you read John 10 today, we are met with a powerful statement in our first verse. Jesus again says, “I am” ...followed by... “the Good Shepherd.” He is stating once again he is God. The Good Shepherd is purposeful, he knows what must be done, and makes sure he sees it to the other side. It brings me a great sense of comfort that I have a Savior that knows me by name, and would lay down his life ...  Read More
The Shepherd Is Passionate
by Kyle Wendel - Connection Pastor on August 15th, 2024
John 10:11-13 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep."In John 10, we get to see an incredible character...  Read More
The Shepherd Is Protection
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on August 14th, 2024
I recently had a mentor of mine give me a call. In the call, he lovingly scolded me for not “expanding my leadership” and seeing “God to be too small.” He reminded me that every time he has offered me an opportunity for personal growth, I have made some excuse as to why I couldn’t be a part of what he was offering. Do you know what? He is right. Instead of telling me what I wanted to hear, he told...  Read More
The Shepherd Is Personal
by Matt Hatton - Children's Pastor on August 13th, 2024
As I write, the date is August 5th, and if you have news or social media at your fingertips, you may have awakened to more headlines and drama from the Olympic games, an update on the political war that rages in our country a day before primary voting, or the crashing stock market that is a result of weak economics in our country and around the world. Maybe the news was more personal: an unexpecte...  Read More
The Shepherd Is Protection
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on August 12th, 2024
Simple research tells us that sheep were a prominent animal in the Bible, providing many necessities for people in ancient Middle Eastern cultures: Food: milk, meat, and were often used as sacrificial animals; Clothing: Sheepskins were made into clothing and coverings for walls; Income: Sheep were a primary source of income; Other uses: Sheep horns were used as musical instruments or to hold oil, ...  Read More