As children we all had moments, especially around Christmas, when we knew what we wanted, maybe it was the hottest toy on the market or something all of our friends had first. Later to open your gifts and fall in love with something you didn't expect to get. As adults we wish and dream for better jobs, a better car, a bigger house! No matter what it is, our flesh wants more and bigger. As the world around us continues to build technology at an unprecedented pace, the days of waiting for something have gone astray. We are constantly looking for something way better! In today's Bible reading, we see a lame man being carried to the temple courts to be placed down and beg for money. He had no clue that the day Peter and John walked by would be the day that he would receive the best gift he could ever imagine. I would like to think that a man lame from birth would have had many thoughts over his lifetime about the joy of walking and running. Followed by a thought of its too good to be true, settling for the life he lived. However, on what seemed to be a normal day for him being placed in the temple court he asked Peter and John for money, the Bible tells us in Acts 3:4-6, “Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
The Bible continues to tell us that Peter took the man's hand, helped him up, and the man entered the temple walking, jumping, and praising God. This is a testimony to us that God can give us something way better than anything this world has to offer. First and foremost, he overs the gift of salvation. If you are reading this and have not trusted in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior let it be today! For those of us who have accepted the gift of salvation, let us remember daily how great that gift is— there is nothing the world can offer to us that is anywhere close to that. Let's go share it with others!
The Bible continues to tell us that Peter took the man's hand, helped him up, and the man entered the temple walking, jumping, and praising God. This is a testimony to us that God can give us something way better than anything this world has to offer. First and foremost, he overs the gift of salvation. If you are reading this and have not trusted in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior let it be today! For those of us who have accepted the gift of salvation, let us remember daily how great that gift is— there is nothing the world can offer to us that is anywhere close to that. Let's go share it with others!