“Crippled or ‘Crushing It” (Gracious Identity)

Main Point and Overview:   

So often how we “view ourselves” is shaped by a difficult upbringing. Maybe you had parents who were harsh, always demeaning or discouraging you. Maybe there was more criticism than love in your home growing up. The past has unfortunately helped to shape the present. You find yourself treating your family in the same toxic ways that you were treated. What you need is a rewiring of your brain in how God “feels” about you. The book of Ephesians does a masterful job reminding us of our position, priority, and practice in Christ. The Apostle Paul helps this church to understand the “family blessings” that each one has because of the sacrifice of Jesus. No matter how much toxicity you experienced in your upbringing, there is a pattern of true love and action that you are capable of investing in your own family. It may be time to “break the cycle” of your upbringing! It may be time to give your life to Jesus Christ and become an adopted child of the King of Kings! It may be time to begin to think differently about your purpose on this earth and in leading your family. No matter where God is convicting you, realize that you are deeply loved and cherished by the One who hung the sun, moon, and stars! Your true identity doesn’t come from intellect, ability, or family position. Your true identity doesn’t come from people’s perceptions of you, including your family. Your true identity comes from the love of God! Realize that God doesn’t love you any less in your failures than he does in your successes! Let’s make sure that we get this identity thing right so that we can love our spouses, kids, and others in the same unconditional ways that Jesus loves us! It’s time to “change our mindset,” and Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is just the remedy that we need!

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