Learning By Doing

Have you ever had a mentor or mentored someone? It is a task that comes with great responsibility, maybe some frustrations, but ultimately great joy. Mentoring at its core is showing someone how to do what you do by teaching them and developing them, so that one day they can fly solo. This is a common practice within the workspace, but should be used more so within the church! There are so many young people within the church, that could use the help and wisdom of older people to come alongside them to help them navigate life and encourage spiritual growth. I feel that this is vitally important, and yet so often neglected.  
This week we have been discussing the relationship between Paul and Timothy, a perfect example of mentorship. Their time spent together, of Paul helping, teaching, and encouraging a young Timothy, had prepared Timothy to finally fly on his own—and in today's reading we see this moment of Paul sending him to the church of Corinth, in Paul’s place.  
"For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church." 
1 Corinthians 4:17
Timothy had proved to Paul to be faithful to the Lord, and now in his new appointment to the Corinthians, serves as a reminder of Paul’s way of life – a life that aligns with his teachings. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to “imitate me”. Imitation, in this context, is more than mimicry, it is an intentional and heartfelt choosing of values, behaviors, and attitudes that focus and point to Jesus. Paul is confident in urging the Corinthians to imitate him, because his life is a testament to his teachings. He embodies the message of the gospel, a living sacrifice of what it means to follow Christ. Now, Timothy is charged with taking these examples to the Corinthians, so that they can be impacted by the Gospel.  
You see, we learn by doing, each one of us. Now, after all the learning Paul had passed down to Timothy, it was the moment for “doing”. To go and take the Gospel further—with the full arsenal of Paul’s teachings and life examples. Learning by doing, as shown, is one of the most effective ways in which we learn. How can we ever be like Timothy, if we never take what we know further and share it with others? How can we ever be like Paul, if we never take a young person under our wings to impart wisdom so that they too can be like Timothy? You see, it is a circular motion. You share your life with someone as you point them to Jesus, then they go, and then that person goes, and then that person goes. You get it? None of this can happen though, if we don’t step up and invest in other people.  
So, here is what I suggest going forward:
  • Seek Spiritual Mentors: Identify and build relationships with mature believers who exemplify Christ-like living. Observe their conduct, listen to their wisdom, and strive to emulate their faithfulness. 
  • Be Teachable: Approach discipleship with a humble and open heart. Be willing to learn from others and to accept guidance and correction. 
  • Live Consistently: Ensure that your actions reflect your beliefs. Strive for integrity, so that others can see the gospel lived out through you.
  • Mentor Others: As you grow in your faith, take on the role of a mentor for newer believers. Share your experiences, offer support, and provide a living example of what it means to follow Christ.  

Now, let’s all strive to live lives that are worthy of imitation, reflecting the love, grace, and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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