One of the more gratifying aspects of any job is having purpose. It is a motivator. For me, that was never truer than being in the military. The vast majority of the day-to-day was making sure we were ready for the next mission. There were exercises routinely, to make sure we knew how to do our job and how it applied to the mission. As a missileer every alert was the real deal. Our mission was to demonstrate to the then Soviet Union that it was in their best interest not to initiate nuclear war…because if they did, we would finish it. That was our mission.
The “Great Commission.” Every new believer’s class includes this at some point in its curriculum. Christ, God’s son, God incarnate, came to this earth with a mission. From the moment of the fall of man, God was preparing the proverbial repair. To once again have the intimate and personal relationship with man, whom he created. From the moment of Jesus’ birth, he was on mission. And everything from that moment, through the 33 years of his earthly ministry, was for that purpose. But his mission didn’t stop with him. As Christians, his mission has become our mission. A commission is defined as “an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.” In verse 19 where Jesus says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” is not a suggestion. It is a command; a responsibility of the commission given to us followers of Christ. Equal to that responsibility, is the privilege. How easy it is to take for granted that God has invited us to join him in his work. He certainly doesn’t need us, but he extends that mission to us. This, so we can be used by him, but also experience the joy when we minister with purpose. And the best part, is that we are sent not on our own, but Christ with us. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The mission of Christ is our commission to spread the Gospel. Are you ready to accept and carry out your marching orders?
The “Great Commission.” Every new believer’s class includes this at some point in its curriculum. Christ, God’s son, God incarnate, came to this earth with a mission. From the moment of the fall of man, God was preparing the proverbial repair. To once again have the intimate and personal relationship with man, whom he created. From the moment of Jesus’ birth, he was on mission. And everything from that moment, through the 33 years of his earthly ministry, was for that purpose. But his mission didn’t stop with him. As Christians, his mission has become our mission. A commission is defined as “an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.” In verse 19 where Jesus says “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” is not a suggestion. It is a command; a responsibility of the commission given to us followers of Christ. Equal to that responsibility, is the privilege. How easy it is to take for granted that God has invited us to join him in his work. He certainly doesn’t need us, but he extends that mission to us. This, so we can be used by him, but also experience the joy when we minister with purpose. And the best part, is that we are sent not on our own, but Christ with us. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The mission of Christ is our commission to spread the Gospel. Are you ready to accept and carry out your marching orders?