Time To Regroup

Have you ever been in a moment where you felt like you needed to regroup? Maybe a time that you felt like you needed a reset? We see this all the time in the sports world. In football, we talk about how teams need to regroup and make adjustments at halftime. The same applies to all the other sports and different times when they have the ability to regroup and get back at it. Maybe our team didn't start the game out like they had hoped. Maybe they found themselves behind in the game and they needed to find a way to get back in it. Oftentimes, it takes a break or timeout for a chance for the team to regroup and re-strategize. We see this happen a lot too where one team dominates the first half of the game and then the other team makes great adjustments and finds a way to get back in the game. It is so important to regroup and change the game plan when it isn't working. Continuing with a failing game plan and hoping it will continue to work is asking to lose.

With Joshua and the Israelites, we saw a moment where they needed to take a big moment and regroup. Achan had disobeyed God's command which caused grave consequences for Israel and his family. When Israel went to defeat Ai, we saw them get defeated and forced to retreat. Some Israelites lost their lives that day. Joshua didn't know about Achan's sin, but his leadership once he found out was one that was obedient to the Lord. Joshua led the nation to follow and be obedient to the Lord. He took the Lord's commands seriously.

This led Joshua and Israel to regroup and recenter on God. God then told Joshua again to not be afraid and to not be discouraged. God gave Joshua instructions to go back to Ai, where they had been defeated before. Because of their faithfulness in dealing with sin, God instructed Joshua that he has given Ai over to Israel. We get to see Israel defeat Ai after they regrouped, dealt with the things needed, and came up with a game plan.

It is so important for us in our daily lives to always be focused on the Lord in all ways. It is easy for us to get distracted by things going on around us and the things of this world. It is often needed for us to regroup and strategize in our lives. Are we spending our time in the best way that we can? Are we serving the Lord in sacrifice? Is there sin that we need to cut out of our life? Do we feel close or distant to the Lord? In what areas in your life do you need to recenter or regroup?
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