The Key To Success

The one thing everyone wants to know is— “what is the secret to success?” No matter what job setting, life stage, or relationship phase, people want to know how to be successful. I see it, I hear it, and I’ve asked the question myself, more than I am willing to admit. But what if the answer to the question is more universal than we think?
  • You want to be a successful businessman/woman—Read your Bible and put into practice on how to handle money and serve others.
  • You want to have a successful marriage— Read your Bible and put into practice how to love, submit, and serve your spouse.
  • You want to be a successful parent—Read your Bible and put into practice how to shepherd your children in the Lord, how to properly discipline them, and how to train them up.
  • You want to be a successful friend—Read your Bible and put into practice how to support, encourage, and serve each other.
  • You want to be a successful person in your place of work—Read your Bible and put into practice how to work hard, not complain, have a good attitude, and serve people.
  • You want to be a successful Christ Follower—READ YOUR BIBLE AND PUT IT INTO PRACTICE!
That is what it boils down to. That’s the very foundation of success.

Now, if that is the very key to success, why aren’t we achieving it? Well maybe we need to be introspective a little bit. How seriously are you taking your faith that you profess? How much time do you set aside to meditate on scripture and make time for prayer? Be real with yourself. Success hinges on your answers. We are reminded over and over again through scripture to live out the truth of God’s Word, and to fan into flame what we know. So, are you being obedient with what you know?

Joshua 1:7-8 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

See the very key to success begins and ends with your faithful obedience to God’s Word. This doesn’t mean you will be “rolling in the dough”, or that you will raise perfect little obedient children, or that your relationships won’t be complicated at times, or that God will make your life “easy”. However, this does mean, that we know how to handle all these situations, because we have God’s Word to follow that gives us everything we need to do things the right way. How successful you are in all these situations in life, depends on how committed you are to being an obedient Christ Follower.

So, are you ready and willing to be faithful with what God has given you? I encourage you to read your Bible DAILY, and develop a committed prayer life. That is the first step in the key to success! Ready, set, GO!
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