Overwhelming Obstacles

Numbers 13:26-33
 The Israelites just got done running away from their home, being attacked by the Egyptians, crossing the Red Sea, dealt with an angry guy making a golden calf, building the tabernacle, and trekking through a foreign land, so, the thought of being attacked was something in the back of their mind at all times. It was a very trying time for the nation. I mean, anytime you leave what you know, venture into the unknown, even if you’re leaving something very difficult behind, can be challenging. It makes life feel like it’s a little bit out of control. I’m sure that’s what some of the Israelites were thinking here. They’ve gone through so much, and they go into the land that God promises them, only to see these giant people with these big cities! They probably thought there is no way that we can do this again.
This is how we can react, when life gets hard. When things are easy,  comfortable, and familiar we react in the way that we’re supposed to. But when things change or extra stress happens in our life, we react out of fear of the unknown. Sometimes we can get short with the people we love, sometimes we can shut down and not take care of the responsibilities that we know we need to take care of. Sometimes we turn back to the old habits. Like the Israelites, we need to focus on what God promises. God promises never to leave us nor forsake us. God promises that he will be the same yesterday, today, and forever. God promises that the Holy Spirit will give us power and peace in our life. God promises to comfort those who mourn.
So let us not be like the Israelites, who when faced with a difficult situation, complain, and gripe and wish to turn back to the old life. Let us continue to walk forward, in faith. Let us take hold of God‘s promises in our lives, and trust that whatever happens, that God will be faithful to his people.
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