People Do Change

We all have experienced hurt at some point in our lives. Maybe it was a close friend or family member, or maybe it was even a stranger. We all have experienced it, and it is probably safe to say that all of us have caused hurt, even if it was unintentional. What would our lives be like if every time we were offended by something, we decided not to forgive and burn the bridge? I personally don't ever want to experience that.  
While reading today’s scripture, I think back on my high school days. Boy oh boy, just imagine the pain and hurt you find yourself in when you spend almost every waking moment with your friends. It may sound like a blast, and trust me it was for the most part, however, just like any relationship there are times of pain and suffering. What started out with two dorky little 2nd graders, turned into a group of 6-8 guys who were with each other every minute of the day, if possible. From school, to basketball practice, to one of their houses, to even spending the night on school nights, just to do it all again. What seemed to be a glorious time could take a turn at any moment. BOOM! Just like that the friendship was destroyed, feelings were hurt, and wounds placed. Things would be said to each other out of frustration and anger during basketball practice, or “he said, she said” middle school/high school drama, and the friendship was tainted.  
Thankfully it didn't stay that way for long. We knew our friendship was far more important than whatever feelings were hurt. We learned to forgive each other and to move forward. I know that some of you may be reading this and thinking—this was just kids being kids, and you are right! But we see in today's scripture to forgive and show comfort to those who have hurt us. Which in some situations forgiveness takes longer than others. I pray that when we experience hurt from others, we can be reminded to have a child like faith and forgive them, but also set boundaries when needed. Just like the title says, people do change, but without forgiveness we will never be able to see the change in them. Don't allow the enemy to hold us back from forgiving someone and seeing the changes that can happen!

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