It Can Get Worse

A great lesson that every kid learns at some point in their life is that you get away with things, until you don’t. Everyone can get away with stuff, but at some point, it catches up to you, or as Moses told the Israelites before crossing the Jordan “Your sins will find you out!” I had a similar situation happen to me. When I was a kid, I was really entitled and decided that if I wanted something I could just take it. I stole baseball cards from the store, I would take money from my mom, and would sneak into my brother's room and steal some of his Halloween candy that he had stored up. One day I was at my friend's house, and he had a replica Detroit Pistons championship ring.  Actually, he had 4 of them, so me being me, when I was getting ready to go home, I swiped one.  A few hours later his dad showed up at my house asking about the ring. I was caught. I tried to lie my way out of the situation, but it didn’t work.  My time of stealing had caught up with me, and I was lucky I was a kid, because nothing too terrible happened to me, but I did learn that I was not as sneaky as I thought I was.  
We all must realize this in our lives. Lying, stealing, laziness, backbiting, flirting (with others when married), pornography, and all the others we can put on the list, can be gotten away with for a while, however, at some point it will be found out and your reputation will be ruined. You may even have other consequences that come! Ultimately, we have to understand that we will stand before the throne of God and give an account of our actions here on earth. Yes, for us who are saved we will still get into heaven, but it is like when I was standing before my mom after being caught stealing. I was still her son, however I felt terrible.  We are never going to be perfect, however, we do have to understand that we cannot just get away with sin forever without it catching up to us.  

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