Listening to Lies
by Ross Martello - Youth Pastor on July 31st, 2024
One of the hardest things to do is to retrain your mind. You can do something a certain way for so long that you have a hard time adjusting when things change. If you have seen the movie “Shawshank Redemption” one of the things it talks about is “institutionalization.” This is when people get so used to being in prison that they would rather stay in prison, because they know how to navigate within...  Read More
“I Was Born A Christian” - ???
by Matt Hatton - Children's Pastor on July 30th, 2024
The Cambridge Dictionary defines “nominal”: in name or thought but not in fact or not as things really are. Therefore, a “nominal” Christian is someone who is Christian by name or thought only. Hence, they are not a LEGIT Christian. If we’ve ever been labeled as such, it’s a title that should force us to look into the mirror and make sure that’s not what we reflect. A nominal Christian is someone ...  Read More
Pure Freedom
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on July 29th, 2024
Over the years I have watched people make a mess of their lives. Often, they think that if they can just have a certain relationship, a certain job, or a certain materialistic thing, they will be happy. I have seen people compromise on all of these things and more. I have also watched people make “decisions for Jesus” only to be later found to be superficial.On one occasion, there was a man who wa...  Read More
“Unlocking True Living” (Exclusive Truth)
by John Scally - Lead Pastor on July 28th, 2024
Main Point and Overview:Sometimes true freedom is right in front of our faces, and we just cannot see it! That was the case with the crowd of people who “believed in” Jesus. Of course, their belief proved to be shallow and false. Why? Because they simply were blinded by the truth that Jesus was who he said he was…the son of God! Many people in our culture, and even the church, are striving for fre...  Read More
Light Builds Confidence
by Christina Cain - Women's Ministry Director on July 27th, 2024
I absolutely love this time of year! Being outdoors, playing in the garden, water adventures, and long light-filled evenings are some of my favorite things of summer. A daily goal of mine is to be outside for every sunrise and sunset. There is just something about the sun and the light, and I don’t know all of the scientific or brainiac reasons why I need light, but hear me when I say, “I need it”...  Read More
Opposition Is Real
by Brandon Robertson - Campus Director (GB) on July 26th, 2024
As an avid MSU fan, I can't stand the opposition! We (State fans) don't even like to say UofM, and we call them “the school down the road”. We eat in the same places, work together, and even have some in our own family. Opposition is real and we pray for “the school down the road” to come to the light! Pick anything, and you can probably find someone with an opposing viewpoint or dislike towards i...  Read More