Don’t Stop Here

I remember the day I walked through Great Lakes Baptist Temple with the other Pastors, the vision of another campus was in full swing, everything was falling into place but what I didn't realize was the amount of work that would go into the transformation of that building. From the roof needing to be redone, to bathrooms needing repaired, to a gym floor, to countless upgrades. We had the team in place to come launch the campus and the members of Emmanuel Grand Blanc were on fire for what the Lord was about to do.  Fast forward to today (3 years later) as I write this, I hear the sound of basketballs bouncing repeatedly, kids laughing with friends, coaches leading their teams in drills. All this is possible because of YOU!  
“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you[a]—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.”
2 Corinthians 8:7
We need to not just excel in knowledge, or in speech, but to also excel in giving. It was the generous and sacrificial giving of Flint Campus that led to the opening of the Grand Blanc Campus. Which from there has allowed us to see families get introduced to the Gospel through Upward Basketball. It's because of your commitment to the ministry that we were able to upgrade the Kidzone area. God is doing amazing things at Emmanuel, in both campuses, but let us remember—DON’T STOP HERE! By all of us being a part of excelling in this grace of giving, we can help a future campus be launched, we could see future Upward Basketball families come to know Christ. We can be a part of God’s plan in seeing individuals comes to know him as their Lord and Savior. As the Campus Director of Grand Blanc, I am truly thankful for those who paved the way and didn't stop, and I look forward to all of us continuing to be faithful and seeing what God has in store for all the ministries.  

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