
This week we have been intentionally focusing and mediating on The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. My hope for you as you read these devotionals, is that you are truly taking the time to examine your heart and allow God to work in a special way.  
Today, allow me to direct your thoughts to the word “provision”. Provision, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “the action of providing or supplying something for use.” In The Lord’s Prayer, our word provision is coming from this little portion of the prayer “Give us today our daily bread”. Notice the time reference— “Give us TODAY…”—it’s not tomorrow, next week, next month…. it’s today, in this moment. Jesus tackles this topic more in-depth later on in verse 34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” It is so easy for us to worry about all the things we need, overwhelmingly so sometimes…but Jesus over and over reminds us to not worry about future things, but live in the RIGHT NOW.  
We don’t know how today will even pan out—we could end today with $1 Million in our bank account, or we could be lying in a hospital bed on life support. So, in your prayer for today, and every day, pray that God would provide what you need for this day, we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, so focus on today.
Pray today, that God would keep you and your loved ones safe. Pray that God would meet any need that may arise. Pray that God would give you the strength to shine a light to all around you, and the courage to walk in boldness. Pray that today would be the day of salvation over a lost family member or friend. Pray for any need that burdens you today.  

Now, rest in the fact that God is faithful, and will do this very same thing tomorrow—provide.  

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