Our scripture reading for today, John 20:19-23, marks a profound moment in the New Testament. Jesus, having risen from the dead, appears to his disciples. This moment is not just a reunion; it is a reinstatement of their mission, a revitalization of their purpose, and a commissioning that echoes through the ages.
To fully appreciate the significance of this passage, it is essential to understand the context. Just days before, the disciples had witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus, an event that shattered their hopes and left them in a state of fear and uncertainty. They were hiding behind locked doors, unsure of the future and afraid of persecution. Being that this was taking place on the evening of the first day of the week, where the disciples are gathered together—the sudden appearance of Jesus among them is both shocking and reassuring. His presence transforms their fear into joy and their despair into renewed purpose.
To reassure them, Jesus shows his wounds. These wounds are not just evidence of his identity but also symbols of his sacrifice and the fulfillment of his mission. By displaying his wounds, Jesus emphasizes that his resurrection is real and that he has triumphed over death. The first words Jesus speaks to his disciples are, "Peace be with you." In their state of turmoil, this greeting is more than a simple salutation; it is a declaration of the peace that comes from his victory over death. Jesus offers them the peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that will empower them to carry out their mission despite the challenges they will face.
Jesus was soon to give the Great Commission, but this moment, was the moment for them to realize that Jesus was who he said he was. That their time with him, everything that they had seen and been witness to was the REAL THING. All of this was to prepare them for what would happen next, to go and spread the GOOD NEWS. The mission wasn’t just reinstated, this was the wake-up call to stand firm, endure, and boldly proclaim Jesus unto all the earth!
To fully appreciate the significance of this passage, it is essential to understand the context. Just days before, the disciples had witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus, an event that shattered their hopes and left them in a state of fear and uncertainty. They were hiding behind locked doors, unsure of the future and afraid of persecution. Being that this was taking place on the evening of the first day of the week, where the disciples are gathered together—the sudden appearance of Jesus among them is both shocking and reassuring. His presence transforms their fear into joy and their despair into renewed purpose.
To reassure them, Jesus shows his wounds. These wounds are not just evidence of his identity but also symbols of his sacrifice and the fulfillment of his mission. By displaying his wounds, Jesus emphasizes that his resurrection is real and that he has triumphed over death. The first words Jesus speaks to his disciples are, "Peace be with you." In their state of turmoil, this greeting is more than a simple salutation; it is a declaration of the peace that comes from his victory over death. Jesus offers them the peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that will empower them to carry out their mission despite the challenges they will face.
Jesus was soon to give the Great Commission, but this moment, was the moment for them to realize that Jesus was who he said he was. That their time with him, everything that they had seen and been witness to was the REAL THING. All of this was to prepare them for what would happen next, to go and spread the GOOD NEWS. The mission wasn’t just reinstated, this was the wake-up call to stand firm, endure, and boldly proclaim Jesus unto all the earth!