The pain would have been unfathomable, beyond excruciating.
The Garden: Before He even gets to the cross, and even before Pilate, He was in torment—all the way back to the garden He was sweating blood as He cried out to God. Do you understand what your body has to go through to sweat blood? It is called hematidrosis, which is caused by EXTREME emotional stress. Agony, and no one had even laid a finger on Him yet.
The Rejection: Now add to that agony, being spit upon, slapped, punched, scorned. This wasn’t just physical, but this was also verbal and mental torture by many people—complete rejection. Can you imagine what that would have felt like? To have crowds of people yelling, screaming, attacking you. I certainly can’t. None of us have ever been in that situation before…. We haven’t even gotten to the climax of the situation, and He has already endured more pain and suffering than any person should ever go through.
The Torture: Then we have the punishment from Pilate, a way to appease the crowd, the gruesome scene. We can’t truly know all the details surrounding it, but there are lots of theories that all are consistent in the gory details of what likely took place. Likely, He would have been stripped of His clothes, chained to a post, and whipped no more than 40 times by cruel instruments of torture. A messy, bloody affair that would be more horrifying than anything made up in a Hollywood film. Absolutely gut wrenching.
The Cross: After all that, forced to carry a cross up the hill. A painful crown of thorns placed upon His head, beaten and unrecognizable…. He was laid down, NAILED to the wood, then placed for all to watch as He hung there to die. Laughed at. Mocked. The moment that 33 years of life had led to. 100% God. 100% man. Sent to die. The death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. BUT all the pain that led to this moment, wasn’t anything as painful, as the moment God placed the sins of the world upon him, and turned his face away. Every sin. The sins of all the past, and the sins of all the future. My sins. Your sins. The sins you haven’t yet committed. All of them, all on Him. Nailed to the cross. The perfect atonement, once and for all. To usher in salvation with God, for all eternity.
The pain endured, because of the love for us, was worth the cost.
The Garden: Before He even gets to the cross, and even before Pilate, He was in torment—all the way back to the garden He was sweating blood as He cried out to God. Do you understand what your body has to go through to sweat blood? It is called hematidrosis, which is caused by EXTREME emotional stress. Agony, and no one had even laid a finger on Him yet.
The Rejection: Now add to that agony, being spit upon, slapped, punched, scorned. This wasn’t just physical, but this was also verbal and mental torture by many people—complete rejection. Can you imagine what that would have felt like? To have crowds of people yelling, screaming, attacking you. I certainly can’t. None of us have ever been in that situation before…. We haven’t even gotten to the climax of the situation, and He has already endured more pain and suffering than any person should ever go through.
The Torture: Then we have the punishment from Pilate, a way to appease the crowd, the gruesome scene. We can’t truly know all the details surrounding it, but there are lots of theories that all are consistent in the gory details of what likely took place. Likely, He would have been stripped of His clothes, chained to a post, and whipped no more than 40 times by cruel instruments of torture. A messy, bloody affair that would be more horrifying than anything made up in a Hollywood film. Absolutely gut wrenching.
The Cross: After all that, forced to carry a cross up the hill. A painful crown of thorns placed upon His head, beaten and unrecognizable…. He was laid down, NAILED to the wood, then placed for all to watch as He hung there to die. Laughed at. Mocked. The moment that 33 years of life had led to. 100% God. 100% man. Sent to die. The death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. BUT all the pain that led to this moment, wasn’t anything as painful, as the moment God placed the sins of the world upon him, and turned his face away. Every sin. The sins of all the past, and the sins of all the future. My sins. Your sins. The sins you haven’t yet committed. All of them, all on Him. Nailed to the cross. The perfect atonement, once and for all. To usher in salvation with God, for all eternity.
The pain endured, because of the love for us, was worth the cost.