Words of Wisdom: Part 2

I love the book of Joshua—we get to read about the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua. Just like any transition of leadership there is always a difference. Joshua pulls everyone together and walks the tribes of Israel through everything they have been through, from Abraham worshipping other gods, to Abraham leaving and following God’s plan. He is trying to make the point that all these valuable events all took place, not because of man, but because of God alone. Joshua wanted Israel to stay faithful to God, and not have anything to do with false gods.

Now let's investigate our own lives with a few questions:
Do you give God your full faith and trust?
Do we worship false gods?

So now that we have examined our hearts, let this chapter be a reminder to us that it is God alone who gets the glory, it is God alone who leads us through our lives. Let us make sure we are not worshipping false gods and only THE GOD who loves us unconditionally. Joshua gives these powerful words right before he passes away. His heart for the people to follow the will of God and to turn away from anything that they are tempted to replace God with. No amount of money, trips, or jobs will ever lead your life to a good place. We need to be fully committed to God as we take on the world around us.
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