Stay The Course

One of the better-known accounts in the Bible, Joshua chapter 6, describes the events surrounding the collapse of the walls of Jericho. The event bears great testimony to God faithfully keeping his promises. But there is also another great lesson to be learned. It is important to remember that this was a military action. The Israelites were told by the Lord that he would deliver Jericho to them. But God also gave them specific instructions on how this operation was to be done. They were to march around the walls for six days, and on the seventh, they were to shout, and the walls would come tumbling down. For six days, they were to “stay the course.”

During my nearly 22 years in the Air Force, I spent two of those as a war planner. There were both tactical and strategic plans; the former supporting the latter. When executing a plan, it is important to stay the course. It can sound a bit cliché, given how often this phrase is used in war movies, but it is a solid principle. Tactical plans may have to adapt to the immediate circumstance, but only to the extent of staying the course and meeting the objectives of strategic plan. Joshua kept his army focused and followed the tactical plan God had laid out (marching around the walls for six days, and shouting the walls down on the seventh), all in support of the strategic plan…taking Jericho. There was no quarter for any living thing (except Rahab and her family), and the spoils taken to the treasury of the Lord’s house; just as the Lord told Joshua.

Our walk as a Christian must have the same tenacity. Our strategic objective is given to us Matthew 28…go and make disciples. The tactics of doing that will vary with each one of us. Some are called to preach, some teach, but all are called to share the gospel and bear testimony to Christ, and to who he is and what he has done. Don’t get caught going down rabbit trails…Stay the Course!
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