Do The Faith Daily

Do you ever feel like it is hard to have faith sometimes? If so, know that you are not alone. Every one of us goes through times in our lives when it is harder to have faith than other times. There are times we know where God is calling us, and we don't want to listen. There are also times when we get instruction from God in our lives, and it just doesn't seem to make sense right away. One of the things I love to do is build Star Wars LEGO sets. I used to love building them as a child and recently got somewhat back into it again. There are times when you follow the instructions, and they just don't seem right in the moment. You can easily get confused and not understand how what you are building can turn out to be the complete set. As you continue to follow the instructions, you eventually get to the place where you get to see the whole set come together and it is really cool. You just have to be patient and continue to follow the instructions, even when you don't understand how it will turn out.

In Joshua 6, we see a situation where God told Joshua that Jericho would be delivered into their hands. However, God gave them instructions that didn't make sense on the surface. God didn't just hand Jericho over easily in battle, he told Joshua to lead the people to march around the city walls for 6 days. Can you imagine how weird and confusing that would seem? I know I would be confused about why we were doing it. Then God gave more instructions to march on the 7th day as well. Miraculously on the 7th day, after the faith in obedience by the people, God miraculously brought the walls of Jericho down. It was all by God and his power. The Israelites just had to have true faith in God that he would do what he said. They showed their true faith in God by their acts of obedience to his instructions.

Oftentimes, we can find ourselves in similar situations in our lives. We may be confused about what God is calling us to do. We might think what we are called to do is very weird and out of our comfort zone. We might not even understand everything that God is truly doing in the moment. Regardless, in every circumstance in our lives, we need to have true faith in God. We need to live out our faith in him on a daily level in every aspect of our lives. God has proven himself to us so many times throughout scripture and in our own lives. Why do we continue to not trust him with every aspect of our lives?
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