Look At What God Did

The hardest thing about faith is doing something that doesn’t make sense, knowing it is what God has asked you to do. Moving to Flint was one of those things for me. 12 years ago, Flint was most famously known for being the murder capital of the USA. So, I was getting ready to move my young family from a nice safe life to one that sounded like it had the potential to be extremely dangerous. As a father, the protection of my family is one of the things that is most important to me, however, I felt the call that God had placed on me and really wanted to pursue this opportunity. After much praying and honestly arguments with my wife, we moved to Flint to start a new life. It was a time when we had to take what we knew to be true, that God had called me into ministry, and that we had to be faithful to his calling, and act on it.

Here, Martha had to experience similar things. She knew who Jesus was, and knew that if he would have been there, he could have healed her brother. So, when Jesus told her to move the rock, she wasn’t sure about it all, she could only think about what she knew, which was after 4 days dead bodies begin to stink. Jesus reminds her to believe, not just in hearing, but in action as well. The rock was removed, and Lazarus walked out.

In our life we get so caught up with what we know is possible or true that we are too afraid to move. Things like “In the past you have been hurt by…” where you can put relationships, church attendance, service, etc. However, just because it happened once doesn’t mean it always happens that way. The biggest thing you have to always ask is, “what does God want me to do?” If we not only answer this question, but act on it, we to can see God work in our lives like Jesus did that day! Well, maybe not with a raised body, but God will work in ways we don’t expect if we are just willing to get past our preconceived notions and are willing to step out in faith trusting that whatever happens God can use for his Glory!!!
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