Pure Freedom

Over the years I have watched people make a mess of their lives. Often, they think that if they can just have a certain relationship, a certain job, or a certain materialistic thing, they will be happy. I have seen people compromise on all of these things and more. I have also watched people make “decisions for Jesus” only to be later found to be superficial.

On one occasion, there was a man who was invited to Emmanuel. During the invitation after the sermon, he came forward to be saved. As I met him at the steps of the stage, he told me that he needed God. As we talked further, I realized that he was in a very difficult struggle to save his marriage. I remember when he prayed to receive Christ, I was excited. Then, I didn’t see him again. I remember after a few weeks of not seeing him, I asked his cousin where he was. What I found was that he was only there because he was desperate to save his marriage. He had, since that moment at Emmanuel, “worked out” things with his wife, and clearly, he wasn’t really interested in following Jesus with his whole life. Many people make the same mistake. Sadly, I don’t think this man and his wife stayed together. Ironically, things could have been different if he would have truly placed Jesus in the center of his life.

There is no “silver bullet” when it comes to freedom. Freedom is often found in slavery. That seems so weird to say, but what it means is that sacrifice is the key to freedom. Jesus proclaimed that truth leads to freedom. In other words, if you believe and follow the Gospel, you will live with the greatest peace and purpose possible. I know so many people who have all that this world has to offer, and yet, they are depressed, frustrated, angry, and always reaching for something “bigger and better!” Why? It’s because they have not unlocked the only source of freedom that exists...the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Do you want to live in true freedom? It’s not found in 401-k plans, booming bank accounts, CEO positions, and every kind of sensual pleasure that can be found. It is only found in the forgiveness of sins for both you and the people you love. It’s found in grace over guilt. It’s found in service over selfishness. It’s found in character over complacency. It’s found in the Gospel over greediness.

Over the course of this last week, I was on a pastor’s retreat when I got a text message from our Campus Director in Grand Blanc, Brandon Robertson. He shared with me that one of our recent guests called upon Jesus Christ to save him from his sins. What an amazing text to receive. This recent guest wasn’t looking for Jesus to rescue him from some personal dilemma. Instead, he simply wanted to be saved from his sins. That is where it all begins! There is no “silver bullet” to freedom. It’s simply this powerful challenge from Jesus himself in John’s Gospel. Read it. Love it. Live it. It’s pure freedom in Christ.

John 15:5-8 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
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