
Aug 4, 2024    John Scally

The story of Jesus healing the blind man is filled with different perceptions of what had happened and who had done what. As Jesus continued to teach and preach, there were times when he showed the power of the Kingdom of God by healing those who were unable to heal themselves. He did so that people would be convinced that he was who he said he was. He did so to point the glory back to God the Father. Each one of us is faced with “what to do with Jesus.” We can be skeptical of what we have seen. It is easy to “believe in action” that God is limited to “heal” our lives, family, or friends. Sometimes we even get jaded thinking that God only helps others, while never helping us. Remember, God may be waiting to perform a miracle in your life for just the right time – the revelation of his glory! There were many reactions to what Jesus did, but only one bold and audacious response. When challenged by the hypocritical religious leaders of the day, the transformed man declared that it was the power of Jesus who had changed him. Ultimately, the man’s physical healing led to his spiritual healing. He didn’t care what those powerful leaders thought of him, and it cost him his right to worship and learn in the Jewish synagogue. It didn’t matter. He was exchanging corrupt religion for a confessing relationship. He was exchanging man’s perception for God’s power. When God moves in your life, it will be undeniable! Are you eager to see this happen? When it does, give God all of the glory!