Changed Priorities

We all know the illustration of the cup of water that is filled to the middle of the glass. Which then we are asked is the glass half full or half empty? It all comes down to our perspective on how we look at the glass. In that moment is one person wrong? Well, the same can be true about our priorities. In my house I tend to relax first, then do the task that needs to be done. Sarah prefers to complete her task first, and then relax. Is one of us wrong? The only way to truly tell is when we look at the end results. Did we complete the task that was needed in the time frame that was given? If we failed to complete the mission, then most would say we need to change our priorities. This can be said for a million other things that we face daily.  I don't know about you, but change can be challenging, it may take time to get used to. However, at the end of the day you know it was worth it.  
As we look at today’s verses in the book of Ephesians, we have Paul writing to the church in Ephesus, about the plans God has for the Gentiles. Before we get into chapter 3, I want us to remember who Paul used to be. Saul was known for persecuting believers in Jesus Christ. On the way to Damascus, Saul had a moment that would change his life and millions of others. Saul’s heart and priorities shifted from being against Jesus to being for Jesus. Fast forwarding to Ephesians 3:1,7-8 we have Paul sitting in a prison cell (verse 1) writing to the church. He goes on to say in verse 7 and 8:
“I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power.  Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ,”
I imagine the change from Saul to Paul was not easy for those around him. However, the change of priorities of Paul would go on to lead the Gentile nations to Christ! A change that was well worth it! So, I challenge you to ask yourself, am I giving my all for the sake of the Gospel? If you find yourself pondering this question for long, ask yourself this next question, do I need a priority change? I love seeing seekers of the Good News, come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and the fire that is lit within them to spread it as far as they can. Unfortunately, I think we all have had times where our priorities shifted away. I am currently reading a book by J.D Greear called Above All. One of the first points he makes is that many have classified the Gospel as the entry way of Christianity, he reminds readers that without the Gospel there is no salvation. Thus, making the Gospel the entirety of Christianity. Let us take time and check our priorities. Maybe we need a Saul to Paul moment. Paul gave his all for the sake of the Gospel, no matter if he was with fellow believers or in a prison cell.  

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