Planning for the long game. That requires strategic thinking. I spent a couple of years as a war planner. We were stationed in Germany at the time of that assignment. It was during that time our country experienced the tragedy of 9/11. I found myself in the middle of writing war plans and annexes for how we would embed media, talking points and messaging, and our overall public affairs strategy. It wasn’t just “what do we do today,” but planning for months out, not really knowing how long operations would go on. It required strategic thinking. Today’s verses are about strategic thinking in how we live our lives. It is easy to take for granted how blessed we are: a roof over our head, food on the table, shoes on our feet, and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Then add onto that all the other material blessings we have…the “above and beyonds.” Jesus is telling us to be wise. We are to use our blessings, material or otherwise, for the benefit of others. That the treasures we build up are those treasures in heaven. Verse 10 hearkens to the parable of the servants entrusted with the varying amounts of talents. When we are good stewards with what God has blessed us with, we will be entrusted with more. One of the sayings lived by when I was in the Air Force was “Your reward for hard work is more work.” While it may seem counterintuitive, it really is a recognition…in a good way. Verse 10 and 11 also caution against being dishonest. People get into a position of responsibility and authority because they have been recognized as being trustworthy. Jesus uses the example of wealth because wealth is something that easily corrupts. There are stories after stories of lottery winners who find themselves broke or in jail not long after because they cannot handle the responsibility. Likewise, we are warned about becoming “puffed up” in our spiritual walk. Would we give money and authority to someone who is dishonest? Common sense would say “no.” Think strategically in your walk of life. Although we do not know what our days will bring, by using strategy, being deliberate, we are able to be better used by God for his purpose and his glory.