It’s Your Time

Urgency is a thing. Every time my daughters leave to go back to college, I am reminded of how fast time passes. I am now in my early 50s; I am an “empty nester.” When I see all of the many kids running around our church campuses, it causes the memories to flood back into my mind. It seems like yesterday that my three kids were that small. Now, I may seem as if I am depressed over this reality, but it’s actually the opposite. While I miss them at such a young age, I also realize that every period of time in our lives has opportunities that we must never take for granted. Are you taking for granted the current stage that you are living in?

The Apostle Peter wanted the 1st century church to be filled with urgency. He wanted them to live expectantly for the Lord’s return. While it hasn’t yet happened, it feels as if it could come at any time. Will you be ready? You know the feeling. You’re about to take a vacation, and there is so much to do before you can actually leave town. From finishing up at work, to getting the pets taken care of, to packing all the kids’ clothes, to filling the car with gas, preparation fills your day. It’s difficult, but you don’t mind doing it. Why? Because a warm beach or an amusement park or a hiking trail is what you are looking forward to soon. Ice Cream and movies and laughter and fun away from the pressures of life is on the horizon. All the preparation becomes “worth it.” Why? Because something much better is coming soon.

For the faithful Christian, the return of Jesus Christ is our heart’s greatest desire. We cannot wait to live in a world beyond this one in perfect love and relationship with the One who took the nails for us. So, how does that exciting anticipation affect our present behavior? That is exactly what the wise apostle spoke of in challenging the church. We must be busy preparing! In other words, there is work to be done. What does that even look like for us?

Mindset is everything. We must clear our minds of materialistic obsession. So many people are in “the chase for bigger and better” in this lifetime. What we all must realize is that our possessions, status, and power will mean nothing in God’s Kingdom. What we must also realize is that we will be spending eternity with other Christians. So, we must urgently invest our time, talent, and treasure making a difference pointing people to Jesus and “building up” the believer in Jesus!  

Notice a few challenges from Peter: (1) Love each other deeply. Have you ever had someone in the church frustrate you? Of course you have, but we must see beyond those moments to the greater mission. You have influence. Use it for good, even on those who you “struggle with” at Emmanuel. (2) Show hospitality. This goes beyond having the guys over to watch the Eagles crush the Chiefs in the Super Bowl (wasn’t that fun ?)! It’s the kind of “invite” that is strategic attempting to lead someone to Jesus or foster spiritual development in him. (3) Use your spiritual gifts. Whether God has gifted you with “speaking God’s Word” or “serving God’s church and the community,” we must use the supernatural gifts that God has given to us. The Greek word for “gift” is charisma emphasizing the “freeness of the gift” which means that you and I didn’t earn this gift. God is the giver, and we are the recipient. He has made us stewards responsible for “his resources.” In other words, God didn’t “give you a gift” for you not to use it. He gave you a gift EXPECTING you to use it. Why? So, that others may be blessed, and ultimately, he may receive the honor and the glory.  

As I sit here right now writing this devotional, I feel a massive sense of urgency in my life. Urgency to wisely lead my adult children. Urgency to provide for my wife physically and emotionally. Urgency to serve the Lord with everything that I have. They say that your 50s and 60s are your most influential years in life, and I plan to squeeze every drop possible out of those years. Let’s live with urgency! Jesus the Christ could return at any moment! If he returned today, what would he find you doing…OR NOT DOING?!

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