Leading up to this point has been quite a whirlwind for Peter. Peter, as we know, has always been one that was too quick to open his mouth before thinking about it. Peter has been told by Jesus that he would be the rock on which the church was built. We also all know the moment when Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Jesus 3 times before the rooster crows. We then see Peter being too quick to open his mouth and tell Jesus that he would never deny Jesus and that he would even go as far as to lay down his own life for Jesus. As Jesus said, Peter goes on to deny him 3 times and after the third time, immediately Jesus locks eyes with him across the courtyard. I cannot imagine the guilt and shame Peter must have felt at this moment. After that, Jesus was crucified and buried. The disciples felt that all hope was lost. Peter had to have been in a darker place than the rest with what had happened.
Fast forward a little, Jesus has conquered death and sin with his resurrection. He has appeared to his disciples, and they have found a restored hope in their Lord. They travel back to Galilee and find themselves fishing again. We get to see a great moment of Jesus filling their nets and eating a meal with them again around a fire.
Jesus takes this moment to have a brief but deep conversation with Peter. Jesus asks Peter three different times, "Do you love me?". This question was filled with love from Jesus but also a question that cut very deep. Peter, the one who is so quick to follow Jesus, is also the one who denies Jesus. Peter was deeply shaken by this. He may have been rejoicing that Jesus was back, but deep down, he knew that he denied and betrayed his Lord. This question would have cut so deep. Jesus reinforces the question by asking it not once but three times. Peter answers each time proclaiming his love for Jesus and that Jesus knows that to be true since he knows all things. In this moment we get to see Jesus show a deep love and compassion to Peter while also calling him to action. We are called to love Jesus to the point where we want to follow his call and obey him wherever that may take us.
There are many things that we can pull from this passage. We get to see Peter restored and challenged by Jesus. After this, Peter goes on to be an incredible voice for the gospel and a great leader to the early church. He is fueled by his love for Christ. Even though he had failed Jesus greatly, Jesus still had an amazing plan for Peter to be a great leader.
It is incredibly challenging to look at this passage and put ourselves in the same shoes as Peter. What would your answer be to Jesus asking you this question? Could you answer that you truly love him? Do your actions back up your answer? Are you willing to do anything that he may call you to? Will you love him above all other things?
Fast forward a little, Jesus has conquered death and sin with his resurrection. He has appeared to his disciples, and they have found a restored hope in their Lord. They travel back to Galilee and find themselves fishing again. We get to see a great moment of Jesus filling their nets and eating a meal with them again around a fire.
Jesus takes this moment to have a brief but deep conversation with Peter. Jesus asks Peter three different times, "Do you love me?". This question was filled with love from Jesus but also a question that cut very deep. Peter, the one who is so quick to follow Jesus, is also the one who denies Jesus. Peter was deeply shaken by this. He may have been rejoicing that Jesus was back, but deep down, he knew that he denied and betrayed his Lord. This question would have cut so deep. Jesus reinforces the question by asking it not once but three times. Peter answers each time proclaiming his love for Jesus and that Jesus knows that to be true since he knows all things. In this moment we get to see Jesus show a deep love and compassion to Peter while also calling him to action. We are called to love Jesus to the point where we want to follow his call and obey him wherever that may take us.
There are many things that we can pull from this passage. We get to see Peter restored and challenged by Jesus. After this, Peter goes on to be an incredible voice for the gospel and a great leader to the early church. He is fueled by his love for Christ. Even though he had failed Jesus greatly, Jesus still had an amazing plan for Peter to be a great leader.
It is incredibly challenging to look at this passage and put ourselves in the same shoes as Peter. What would your answer be to Jesus asking you this question? Could you answer that you truly love him? Do your actions back up your answer? Are you willing to do anything that he may call you to? Will you love him above all other things?