Accepting Your Fate

Sometimes in life, you must accept your fate. What does that even mean? Well, it means that life is hard, and your purpose in Christ is going to have bumpy roads attached to it. We just finished 2024, and for every single one of us, there were challenges that we faced. As we enter a new year, one thing is for sure, there will be challenges that we are either going to face with courage or run from in cowardice. The choice is up to you. What will YOU do?

It was now time for Jesus to die a cruel death on The Cross. Everything in his life had culminated in this single moment in time. While he could have exhibited fight or flight, instead, he embraced his purpose from God the Father. He completed his mission with passionate purpose. He is our perfect example of how to face the challenges of life.  

When I became a lead pastor many years ago now, I remember, one of the deacons telling me that it was going to be “lonely at the top.” Honestly, I had no idea what that meant until I experienced it. As a youth pastor, I had many responsibilities and challenges, but none of them compared to being the “chief under-shepherd" of God’s flock. What that wise old deacon had told me had come true. Looking back at that moment so many years later, I think what he meant was that I needed to embrace the “hard life of leadership.” It’s been a journey for sure, but I intend to do my best to be faithful one day at a time.  

Jesus was the embodiment of faithfulness. Being omniscient, he knew exactly what he was about to go through before he went through it. In fact, he even knew who would be the one to initiate the arrest. When the sovereign creator of all things was confronted by a band of weak and finite men, instead of crushing them, he submitted to them. Why would he do this? The simple answer is that he loved you and me. The deeper answer is that he had fully embraced his painful purpose knowing how it would not only save the souls of men, but also bring elevating glory to both he and his father. There is not a passage in Scripture that explains this better than Hebrews 12:1-2b: “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus accepted his fate; will you be willing to do the same in 2025?

What could that look like in the new year? Well, here are a few practical ways that it could take shape in your life:
(1) You might lose a job because you are not willing to “sweep corruption under the rug.”     (2) You might lose a friendship because you are willing to lovingly confront sin with the Gospel truth.
(3) You might make less money because you decide to work less hours to spend more time with your family.
(4) You might be rejected, shunned, “cancelled,” or harmed for your stand for truth?
Be willing to “accept the fate” of being a disciple.

Remember, no matter what you go through in 2025, God is in control! At the end of our passage of Scripture for today, we see that an obscure prophecy is proven to come true. What is it you might ask? It’s the promise that Jesus had already claimed back in John 6:39 that whoever sincerely committed to believe in him as Savior would never be “lost” from him – he would be eternally saved! Remember, there is a life to come that is eternally secure for the person who is committed to Christ. You belong to Jesus! Nothing could be more encouraging as we enter into a new year with its challenges ahead. Let’s not shy away from our purpose in 2025; instead, let’s embrace it knowing that it will bring some pain, but the “gain” is going to be worth it!  

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