The Process To Disaster

Have you ever said to yourself “If this one thing happens, then it is meant to be, and God wants me to have it”? That phrase could be, “If I am meant to have a donut, even though I am on a diet, my favorite one will be in the box” then look through 5 boxes to find one, or “If I am meant to buy that expensive item, the one you know you shouldn’t purchase, it will be in stock at the store”. Then you proceed to walk around the store trying to find someone who works at Hobby Lobby, oops I mean, someone who works at the store to see if they have one in back. We challenge God with our own desires and then take matters into our own hands. I have said “God, if it is there then that means you want me to have it.” I go to God with my silly desires as though he has nothing else to do. Then when I find the donut or the expensive item, in my mind I say, “God wanted me to have it.” Seriously, how foolish of me! We tempt ourselves. If we go looking for something, we will surely find it. We will surely self-destruct and cause disaster in our own life.

James 1:13-15: “When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

One thing God brings to our lives is trials, but he NEVER desires that we fall into temptation. God has no part of him that is evil and sinful. We walk around this world justifying our actions by thinking that if God didn’t want me to do it, he would have prevented it. That is not always the case. We choose to follow our own selfish desires. That is what sin nature does, it tries to fulfill itself with all the pleasures the world has to offer. Once we fall into those desires, it becomes sin and sin births death. I have seen enough people fall into their own desires and they become spiritually dead. They walk away from the faith disappointed and distraught and blame God for not “being there.” He is there, we must choose the right path. We experience trials in our life to GROW our faith, not diminish it. I could list time, after time, after time, when I have gone through some tough trials, only to GROW in my spiritual relationship with Christ. Everything we go through is meant to draw us nearer to our Savior.

When tempted, turn to God and away from the temptation. When going through trials, lean into God and use that time to GROW in him. Will you choose growth over disaster? Everything is meant for “Our good and God’s glory”!
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