God Is Never Mocked

Being a dad of 2 young boys, Judah 6 and Lleywn (AKA Lewie) 4, we talk a lot about consequences. The number of times I have had to remind them of this before disciplining them, or preparing them to go someplace where I won’t be there to monitor them, is countless. It is easy to find ourselves in tempting situations, not counting the cost of how our choices will inevitably play out. As many times as I have warned my two crazy boys about consequences, we as adults need to be reminded that EVERY choice has a consequence too.

Through this week we have learned about the choices that Achan had made when it came to disobeying God’s orders, and the consequences of his entire family being put to death for those choices. Suffice it to say, he didn’t count the cost of his choices. We go through life making choices all day, every day. Sometimes we make choices lackadaisically, not putting too much thought into them. Oftentimes when we realize the choices we made in haste, that are going to work out negatively, it is too late to turn back because what was done was done—now it is living with the consequences.

The problem I have, and I would venture to say everyone has this problem to some degree, we don’t consider God in our decision making. We do what we want, what we feel, what we think is right, without taking a moment to pray and ponder what God wants. I am not saying we need to seek out God to make a choice about what to fix for dinner and how that choice could cause you to wake up with heartburn in the middle of the night—well maybe…. I am mostly talking about major life choices that affect more than just your body. There will always be consequences, just hopefully they are the good ones. However, aligning ourselves with Christ in our decision making allows us to be put on a better path forward.

Today’s scripture reference really hits home on this subject matter:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:7-9

We can’t fool God in our decisions. We can’t hide from God when we make poor choices. They are not secret. Many of our choices don’t just affect us, but also our friends, family, and even our church. Our consequences reach far beyond just us. God will not be mocked!

So, as you go about your day to day, as you think about life choices, stop and wonder how those choices can impact you and your family. Set yourself up for success by seeking God in the situation, and do what is right and good. It’s not easy to make the right choices, but we have many examples in scripture of people making the wrong choices and suffering through horrible outcomes. Learn from Achan, and countless other stories that warn us. Seek Christ, pray about your choices and situations. Seek wise council from our Pastors. Talk through your issues with your spouse. Then make a game plan to do what is right and what is good for you and those around you. You won’t regret it!
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