Prepare To Be Amazed

We see it in creation all the time, things to be in awe of and amazed with, simple things being so still in their created complexity. It was an early Monday morning, a little over a week ago, I had taken the day off work since it was a busy Saturday and Sunday of ministry. With my wife gone at work, and my kids off to school for the day, how am I going to spend my time resting and recuperating? It was time to go for a long run! With ten and a half miles on the agenda, I dropped the kids off at school, headed to Richfield Park, laced up the shoes, and set off for an hour and a half of “rest”. As fall approaches, the sun sits a tad lower in the sky at 8 a.m. than it did a few weeks ago, although the days warm up, the mornings are still cool enough to enjoy a run. I hopped on the trail and chased the refreshing shadows and relaxing sounds that a morning run can bring. There is just something so awe inspiring about the beauty and silence of nature in the morning. The deer that freeze as you run by, the sun that creeps higher and higher, the chorus or birds ringing in the newness of another day, and the hundreds, maybe even thousands of glistening freshly spun webs connecting the fields of blossomed goldenrod and wild grass. There was an unending sea of wonder, and the beauty of what God has created wasn’t running dry.

A similar well was overflowing with promises kept and promises made to Gods people as they prepared to cross over into the promised land. Joshua and all of Israel, had recently mourned the death of Moses, and reflected upon the promises that God made, and that God had kept. With those reminders and encouragements, God called and commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid, and reminded him and the Israelites many times, that he will not leave them nor forsake them. It’s with that context, and in this setting on the Jordan River banks, that God makes more promises. In verse five, God required the Israelites prepare themselves, but he followed it with a promise…a promise that had been proven, “for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” God had done so many amazing things thus far. Freeing them from slavery, providing for them in the wilderness, giving them victory in battle, preserving them, and sustaining them. Many miraculous, wonderous, amazing things! Well, guess what?!?!? He was going to do them again tomorrow! He was going to, as it’s shown in the remainder of chapter 3, stop the waters of a raging river and have the people walk through on dry ground, not for the sake of displaying a wonderous miracle, but for the sake of fulfilling a wonderous promise. The stopping of a river was small potatoes compared to the amazing reality that God had delivered the Israelites into the promised land!

It's not so simply to stand in awe of the beauty that God has created around us, nor to be in wonder of what he has made, but to also stand in awe recalling the promises made and promises kept by God, to look at what he has done in our lives, to think of how he has carried us through difficult times, and freed us from slavery from our sin. This should serve as more than a reminder, but a catalyst to look ahead to the amazing and wonderous things he is going to do! This not only involved standing on the promises of God, but also setting their hearts right with God. Is God being glorified by all the areas of your life? Are you satisfied in him and the promises that he has made and kept? Are you reflecting on the slavery you’ve been rescued from and living in freedom?
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