The Preparation For Victory

When Israel sent spies to “check out” Jericho, God had something bigger in mind than they ever could have imagined. The one who would hide them from getting caught and executed was a woman by the name of Rahab. She was not at all what anyone would have expected. She was a prostitute, someone who was “far from God” in her actions and beliefs.

Israel was on a mission to take over the “promised land” of Canaan. Everyone knew what was coming. The word had spread that God was supernaturally empowering them to destroy everyone who was in their path. When Rahab was faced with this reality, she chose to do the wise thing and “side with God!” She deflected attention away from the spies when the enemy soldiers arrived at her house, keeping them out of harm’s way. After the soldiers had left her house, she begged the Israelite spies to consider her family when the time came to invade Jericho. In this amazing interaction, the spies agreed to protect her because of her faith in their God. What a lesson for all of us!

Later, when Israel did indeed invade the city, there was a rope that hung from her window signifying the deal that had been made between them. As the Israelite soldiers slaughtered their enemies, Rahab the prostitute and her family were spared, but the story gets even better.

Rahab turned away from her evil ways and became an Israelite. Do you believe that anyone can change? Do you believe that everyone is worthy of God’s grace? Rahab made a choice, and it changed her life. Do you know that Rahab would end up being the great-great grandmother of King David, the ancestral line through whom Jesus Christ would be born! Are you kidding me?! That is amazing to consider that God could and did redeem such a “gross sinner” like Rahab to be part of the family heritage of Jesus Christ.

The fact is that we are all “gross sinners” in need of grace! As God was preparing Israel for overcoming their enemies, he was doing something amazing behind the scenes. He was rescuing a woman and her family. Rahab recognized something that even the Israelites didn’t always recognize – God is all-powerful and worthy of their complete allegiance. Do we see God in the same amazing ways? Do we have a reverence and fear of God that is healthy? Do we have a sense of urgency to reverse course in our present decisions? Rahab did, and it changed her destiny.

When I think about my family, I cannot help but think of my father’s decision to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. That decision set off a chain reaction in my life and in the lives of my family members. Many people have been impacted because of my dad’s obedience...all to the glory of God! He found himself realizing that his life in the Catholic religion was worthless. He found himself realizing that his party lifestyle left him empty. He found himself realizing that no amount of wealth or popularity was enough to truly satisfy. I believe he also realized that if he continued in his present condition, there would be consequences that he would face. Like Rahab, he turned from his life of sin to the only true source of freedom by faith. Like Rahab, my dad’s decision changed the course of history for our family. I am so grateful.

When you feel as if you could never be truly forgiven, remember that God’s plan is greater than your failures. Make the difficult change for the sake of your family and your future. I can promise you that you will never be sorry. Israel was preparing for victory by scouting out the land. Rahab prepared for victory by confessing her sins and trusting in the God of the Israelites to save both her and her family! How are YOU preparing for your future victory?
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