On The Same Page…To Start

A lot has changed over the centuries of how land ownership is acquired. I can still hear my eighth grade U.S. history teacher, Mr. Elias, passionately share about land being acquired through compromise, purchase, and a lot of conflict; the Revolutionary War, Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Indian Wars, and forced treaties just to name a few. Have you become a landowner lately? For the most part, a buyer and seller agree upon price and terms, then the financial transaction takes place, and the title company will assist in getting the property transferred from one party to another. Voila. No crazy expeditions, battles, massacres, or treaties with other countries, well, let’s hope not. In Joshua 1:10-18, we read of a different “land acquisition”. (Please read it)

We see Joshua giving a charge to the leaders of Israel to prepare to cross the Jordan River and into the Promised Land. The task must have been overwhelming making preparations for an army to cross the river with people, possessions, provisions, herds, and flocks. Not only were they stepping into the Promised Land, but they were also commanded to conquer and possess it. I’m thinking that the challenging part would be that these “leaders” all had their own ways, their own ideas, and their own logistics to force upon one another as they prepared and executed the command. But we see something beautiful in verse 16, “Then they answered Joshua, ‘Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go’.”

This is what obedience looks like, no compromises, just full obedience. The Israelite leaders are all on the same page and demonstrate their unwavering devotion to Joshua. Knowing their track record, I was surprised, surprised but encouraged to see their sacrifice, humility, and commitment. We too should obey our leaders, yes even those that we did not vote for. After watching last night’s presidential debate, I am thankful that my salvation rests in God’s promise rather than in man’s promise.

Let us be a people known for following and obeying God saying, “All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.” And don’t forget to BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS.
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