It’s My Time

When I came to Emmanuel over 12 years ago, I had no idea what it took to lead a church. I had been a youth pastor for over 17 years, and youth ministry was my specialty. So, I came with a teachable heart. I also came with a passionate heart. For the first year, I knew that I would make very few changes, and my strategy was eventually to “make changes by addition instead of changes by subtraction.” In that first year, I wore a suit every Sunday. Our music was much more traditional. We had pews, choirs, special music, and a million other things that we no longer have. Don’t misunderstand me. Those were good things; they just weren’t going to be the driving direction of the church.

Just before I came to Emmanuel, I interviewed with what was called the “pulpit committee.” Just before that I met with Harold Constant, the former lead pastor. In my meeting with Harold, I found a gracious man who had taken the church as far as he could take it. He was growing older, and he was soon to retire. Every time I think back to our former pastor, it puts a smile on my face. I appreciate him so much. He laid the footwork for what God is doing in Emmanuel today. Most of you will never know or meet him, but someday, it would do you good to thank him when you see him in heaven. He did his part, and now it was my time to lead.

Moses had done his part, and now it was Joshua’s time to lead. In a stirring speech, Moses challenged Joshua to lead Israel well. To be bold, brave, and especially courageous when facing his foes. Moses reminded Joshua that just as God had been with him, he would now be with Joshua. He challenged him to live in faith over fear. He cautioned him to not get discouraged to the point where it would affect his leadership.

I feel like everyone goes through a process of learning how to be a leader. Of course, many people choose to be followers instead, which is really unfortunate. This was Joshua’s time. Had he learned from his previous mistakes? Had he been attuned to special teachable moments? Did he have the necessary experience and empowerment from God? The answer is yes to the above. He was ready. I was ready. Hopefully, you are ready.

I will never forget at my high school graduation when our valedictorian got up and gave her speech. Toward the end of her speech, she told the people in the crowd that they had their time, and now, it was our time. My parents would make fun of her for years over such a brazen comment. But, do you know what? She was somewhat right! Of course, there was still much to do for many in the crowd, but for us as young adults, our leadership opportunities were just beginning.

For Joshua, it was his time, which brought not only opportunity, but also a heavy responsibility. Moses’ charge to him was to “do all that the Lord commands you to do!” If you want to be a strong leader, you MUST obey God! Do you remember when most of the spies decided to allow their faith to be overridden by their fear? It was because they decided to reject the “spoken Word of God!” Are you allowing fear to control you because you are not obeying the Word of God? Remember, the greatest way to build confidence in God’s will for your life is to be in God’s Word on a regular basis.

Right now, could be your time to lead! Are you ready? You don’t have to have all the answers...or even all the experience. I didn’t. When I came to Emmanuel, I wasn’t fully ready. It didn’t matter. I was ready to learn. God has taught me so much over the first 12 years of my ministry here, and I pray that he will teach me even more in the next 12 years...if he so chooses. What about you? It’s YOUR TIME too! Let’s do this together for the glory of God!
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