Succession Plan: Part 1

Numbers 27:12-18

There were many factors that served as a catalyst for the American Colonies to pursue independence from Great Britian. Review your history books and you will read about the Stamp Act, the Townsend Acts, the Coercive Acts—the list goes on. Ultimately, it boiled down to the issue of self-determination. The British Monarchy to this day, as do other countries that have “royal rule,” rely on blood line for succession of power and authority. The American ideal is based on the antithesis of this idea. That is, we all have the freedom to pursue and achieve regardless of status. It is what makes America great. In Numbers 27, Moses knows his time of leading is drawing to a close, and it is time to think of a successor. In verses 16-17 Moses asks God to appoint someone “who will lead them out and bring them in” so as not be sheep without a shepherd. God appoints Joshua. There was no bloodline between Moses and Joshua. They were close, as Joshua was a trusted general and Moses was a mentor to him. But God had been preparing Joshua to assume leadership, that would require courage and determination.  

While we may not be called to lead a nation, each follower of Christ is being prepared as part of God’s succession plan. We are not called to sit on the sidelines, we are called to be on the gridiron, or more aptly— the battlefield. Think of where you are now. Whatever your station in life, both personally and professionally. Then think back to where you were five, ten, or even 20 years or more ago. Connect the dots and see how God has been using your life circumstances to prepare you for where you are now, and where you will be. God has purposes for every Believer’s life. He doesn’t need us, but rather chooses to invite us to join him in what he is doing. There is no greater purpose or giving of meaning to our lives than to join God, and to be a successor in his plan. Are you stepping up, or stepping out?
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