Expect Some Pain

Some things are just hard to deny. When you see and hear stories of people’s experiences in life, especially when it’s from fellow Christians, it’s hard to ignore that God is moving and working and revealing himself to his people. If you are a person who struggles with doubt, a person who finds it difficult to believe in God, then understanding the works of God in people’s lives may make you skeptical of anything spiritual. I will be the first to admit, I have always been one of those people.

My father is a Pastor, which makes me a PK. Allow me to also admit, there is truth behind the stereotypes of PK’s. There is an unbelievable amount of pressure to always be a well behaved, put together, strong in the faith, Christ follower. It is role that you didn’t ask for, and yet the expectations are put upon you, to the point it feels like a stage, a performance, and show for all to see you as the good little Pastor’s Kid that is perfect. However, if you only knew how heavy that load to carry is, you would probably think twice about how you think and treat PK’s. The irony of it all, is that the expectation’s that people put on Pastor’s Kids, those same people would never put on themselves. For me, that place was isolating and lonely, and it became such a difficult cross to bear.

When I got into high school, I got into the wrong crowd, I started to suffer with health issues, and eventually I renounced my faith. I chose to stop believing, because I saw all the terrible things people would do or say to or about my family, but also God wasn’t answering my prayers for healing, so clearly to me it felt God must not be there. I became a skeptic—who wants to believe in a God that allows me to suffer, and who wants to follow a God whose followers are mean, gossipy, vindictive, and full of hypocrisy? I gave up on God.

BUT God…he didn’t give up on me. He brought people into my life, and slowly but surely God’s power and works started to become clear. People who I didn’t even know, a few of them I honestly didn’t even like, started to reach out to me. A family brought me into theirs, and started to show me who God is and what he had done in their lives. God showed up, revealed himself to these people who were sharing with me, being faithful hands and feet of Christ, and now it became undeniably clear that God was revealing himself to me.

Last week, I shared that I prayed the pray of salvation when I was 6 years old, out of fear of a man dressed as Satan running around a church auditorium…. but it was March 2010, at the age of 18, that I truly was saved. It was God working and moving through unexpected people—the truth was too hard to deny. I learned that my struggles, my sufferings, my own trauma, were not for nothing. God had a plan, a perfect will, a purpose for it all and is still working in and through those problems today.

We live in a fallen world, our faith will be tested, our strength to endure and persevere will be pushed to the limits, EXPECT IT. Let me encourage you, GOD IS WORKING SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL IN YOU! STOP trying to run, STOP trying to hide, just STOP! Rest assured that God is there, moving, working, and revealing himself to you for a purpose far beyond your own capacity to understand. Open your eyes, look at what God is doing, and realize the undeniable truth—God loves you, and is holding you perfectly in his everlasting arms, and is in complete control!
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