Something Better Is Coming

How bad has it been being a Detroit Lions fan? I have been a huge fan my entire life. I know many of you have been fans much longer than that. In the past 30 years, the Lions never won a Super Bowl, nor had they won a single playoff game. The misery of a Detroit Lions fan has been known throughout the league for some time now. There had been a handful of years that I thought the Lions might actually be good, but they always found a new way to lose and to have new rules made afterward. The never-ending suffering as a Lions fan has been a rite of passage. I always wanted to believe they would pull it together, but the light at the end of that tunnel seemed to be getting further and further away. However, the past few years under this new regime have been awesome and exciting. We got to witness our team win not 1, but 2 playoff games this year! It was incredible to see the city and the fans celebrate this. Could you imagine if the Lions pull it off this year and they make it to the Super Bowl for the first time ever? What if they win it all? I don't want to jinx it so I won't say they will, but we all know what I'm thinking. The 30for30 documentary afterward would be epic! To showcase the years of suffering and finally win it all. As much as I love my local sports teams and the stories of sports glory, there is a real suffering and glory that we get to look forward to as Believers that is, believe it or not, so much greater than anything else including the Lions winning the Super Bowl!

Romans 8:18 "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."

Going through suffering is never fun. At times it may feel like there is no end. We can see throughout scripture even those who love and follow God go through suffering. Suffering can come in many different ways and forms. Regardless of what it may be, the suffering we go through does not compare in any way to the future glory we will see in Heaven. Things may seem hard and tough in the moment, but if we keep our eyes fixed on the prize, we will see that this is just a small moment before eternal life.

Paul went through many sufferings and great persecution in his life. Far greater than many will ever experience. Throughout it all he kept his eyes focused on serving God. He knew that the glory of Heaven and eternal life would be so great that it didn't matter what happened to him here. What was more important was getting the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. When we keep our eyes fixed on Heaven instead of Earth, we soon realize and understand Paul's mindset. Things may be tough here. They may not look like what we would've wanted or expected. However, this is only for a short time, soon we will be in Heaven forever with Jesus! That is infinitely greater than anything we will experience in this life! Any suffering, trial, or persecution falls short in comparison to the glory we will get to enjoy for eternity. It will all be worth it, in time.
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