Give Us Proof (Exclusive Evidence)

Main Point and Overview:

Have you ever hoped to get a specific answer to a question so that you could use it to manipulate someone or something? We’ve all been guilty of this. We’ve all at different times asked people to tell us what we “wanted instead of needed” to hear. The skeptical crowd that was questioning Jesus was no different. They thought Jesus was a scam artist, and they hated him. In fact, they were trying to bait him into saying something that would allow them, according to the Mosaic Law, to stone him to death. The polarizing question that they asked revolved around his not-so-clear claim to be the Messiah. They wanted to hear the exact words out of his mouth. While they were blinded by hate toward him, Jesus challenged them to see the evidence of his undeniable miracles. No one could do the things he had done, unless that person came from God. Jesus was God the Father’s salvation agent, and those who believed in him were granted eternal life. The evidence of the physical miracles was supposed to lead a person to entrance into the Kingdom of God. Instead, the selfish crowed ignored them or attributed them to the work of Satan. They wanted proof of a Messiah…but did they really? Our culture is filled with people who claim to want to know answers, when in reality, they want their own self-styled answers. We must fight the urge to resemble these religious hypocrites. See what God has done all around you in circumstances and people’s lives! The evidence shouts out loudly! Understand that Jesus is God in the flesh! Sent from the Father on mission to save the world, he is worthy of our full belief that leads to selfless sacrifice!
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