The Shepherd Is Personal

As I write, the date is August 5th, and if you have news or social media at your fingertips, you may have awakened to more headlines and drama from the Olympic games, an update on the political war that rages in our country a day before primary voting, or the crashing stock market that is a result of weak economics in our country and around the world. Maybe the news was more personal: an unexpected message or comment from a friend, drama in the family, issues at work, and the list goes on… With so much noise and distraction competing for our attention in the world around us, we rarely have time to consider the world within us. There are many voices within and without, voices of the flesh, voices of the world, and voices of people influencing our hearts, minds, attitudes, and actions. They are all trying to steal the show, take center stage, and be the loudest. Yet, there is but one voice we ought to listen for and seek out among the crowd of muttering distractions. A voice that is piercing through the white noise, a voice made clear, a voice that brings comfort, a voice that offers hope, and a voice that brings a sense of stillness in the chaos and confusion that surrounds us.

For this, we reflect upon sheep… the perfect example of ourselves, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way.” (Is. 53:6). We’re like sheep, caught in our own wanderings, never able to see the provision for a need that so simply lay in front of us. An abundance of beautiful forage at our disposal, yet we’ve become too thick to take hold of it. We are distracted, our senses overstimulated, and if left to our own devices we would walk into danger. The voices of the world around us beckon, captivated by them we give way -- To the voice of depression, we feel it’s easiest to let ourselves slip. To the voice of anxiety, we curl up or run away. To the voices of pride and lust, we indulge. To the voice of darkness, we hide from the light. To the voice of greed, we sell our souls. To the voices of entertainment, we waste away. Just like sheep. We cannot spiritually protect ourselves, provide for ourselves, or preserve ourselves. It’s only by the mercy and grace of the Good Shepherd. The more familiar we are with his voice, the more comforting and protecting it will be. The more we sit under the voice of the Good Shepherd, the less distracting a stranger’s voice will be. The voice of the Good Shepherd doesn’t lead us astray, offer false hope, or have dangerous intentions for us. Rather, his voice makes us lie down in green pastures as a safe retreat. His voice leads us beside quiet water to quench the deep thirst within our souls. His voice guides us along the right path and instills a fearless comfort that helps us press on. His voice protects us from the enemy and provides more than enough to sustain us. Surely his voice offers hope and a sense of safety amid all of the voices that seek to do us harm. Listen to his voice today. The words of the Good Shepherd, the words of God. Let them be a beacon of light in the darkness, a feeling of hope in the hopelessness, and a sense of direction among the distractions. Be still, and listen to his voice…
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