Getting the Better Deal

At some point or another we all wanted something we didn't have. We have all begged our parents for something we thought we needed. Maybe even as adults we bug our spouses for something we think we need. No matter when or what, the things we long for or the things we think we need, are actually a want! I look back on my childhood and can now see how needy I was as a child. I always wanted the latest video game or the new console. I would beg and plead with my parents about why I needed this or that, but in the long run they knew I didn’t need all the new toys or gadgets. I needed to be studying—no fun, right!?

When reading todays scripture, you see a man who was focusing on what he thought he needed. He was a lame man, who probably had no job, which meant no income. He thought he needed to go outside the temple and beg for money to be able to stay alive. However, when Peter and John arrived, he was about to get something much sweeter than anything money could buy. When Peter tells the lame man to walk, I wonder if the lame man thought it was a joke, or if believed in that moment. No matter what he was thinking in that moment, God used Peter and John to give the man something he probably prayed over for years.

I am so thankful we have a God who knows our needs and blesses us with far more than we can imagine. He knows what we need in every moment, even when we don't. For the lame man, God gave him more than money, he gave him healing. If you continue to read on, the Bible tells us he went into the temple praising and jumping. The lame man got a better deal than what he expected! As you go throughout your day, don't put a limit on God’s grace, and thank him for all he provides daily.
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