He is Him

Here in John 8, we see the biggest "I Am" claim that Jesus makes. Technically if you look up the “I Am” statements of Jesus, this one doesn't pop up. We see seven other “I Am” statements from Jesus in the gospel of John. They are all incredible statements from Jesus. We get to see certain characteristics of him, as well as specific ways we can put our trust in him. We also see his divinity and attributes that show his love and care for his people.

I am the bread of life - John 6:35
I am the light of the world - John 8:12
I am the door - John 10:9 
I am the good shepherd - John 10:11 
I am the resurrection and the life - John 11:25 
I am the way the truth and the life - John 14:6
I am the vine - John 15:1

In John 8 however, we see Jesus fully claim his divinity to the Jews. The Jews were arguing with Jesus on whether or not he was demon-possessed or not. They were trying to find any excuse or reason to discredit Jesus. Jesus was calling out the current state of their faith and religion. The Jews had a hard time with that, and got defensive and tried to cast Jesus off in any way that they could.

Jesus makes a bold statement saying that anyone who obeys his word will never see death. The Jews thought he was talking about physical death when Jesus was talking about a spiritual death. The Jews quickly point out that Abraham and the prophets had all died. They then ask Jesus if he is greater than Abraham, showing how much they held up Abraham in their minds and clung to the past. They could not truly hear what Jesus was saying.

Jesus then goes on to share that Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing the day that he would come. This is something that would be impossible for Jesus to know if he wasn't God. The Jews called him out right away for it as well. They couldn't comprehend how Jesus could know Abraham since they were many generations apart from each other. Jesus then tells them "Before Abraham was born, I am!" Jesus fully claims his divinity in this statement. He is not merely some man who is a great teacher, he is God! This made the Jews furious. They understood exactly what Jesus was claiming at this point. He was claiming to be God. He claimed that he existed even before Abraham. The Jews wanted to kill Jesus because, in their eyes, they saw him as a blasphemer. They didn't see that God was right in front of their eyes!

It gives me goosebumps to even think about Jesus delivering this line to the people. He shows his divinity and that he has always existed even before creation. We know that we can fully trust in Jesus, that he is God and not just a man! God himself came down to earth in the form of his creation to save his people! Jesus is Him!
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