Light Builds Confidence

I absolutely love this time of year! Being outdoors, playing in the garden, water adventures, and long light-filled evenings are some of my favorite things of summer. A daily goal of mine is to be outside for every sunrise and sunset. There is just something about the sun and the light, and I don’t know all of the scientific or brainiac reasons why I need light, but hear me when I say, “I need it”.

I’ve also had my fair share of darkness, and I’m not talking about being a night owl or sleeping outside. I’m speaking of the darkness related to troubles and trials. I haven’t met a person yet whose life has been void of struggles, despair, or dark times. There was a particular period in my life where I felt like the darkness was suffocating me. Hanging by what felt like a thread, a dear sweet inspiring woman of faith came to the rescue. I’ll call her Ruth, and she shared with me some of God’s antidepressants. You’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on a prescription for those. Well, as she led me to the Word of God, she showed me several of those “antidepressants” that were found in the book of Psalms. Today’s scripture reference comes from one of those chapters.

Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

It’s been debated on who penned Psalm 27, but it certainly seems like it was someone who had much difficulty in their life. Many would say that it was written by King David, and we surely know that he experienced immense trials, threats, persecution, despair, and spiritual darkness. Whoever the writer was, we see that he does not shrink back in fear. It’s with the utmost confidence that he can say, “The Lord is . . . the Lord is . . .” Wow, what a testimony, he was able to look through the darkness and see that God is his light in whom there is no darkness at all.

We all become impatient for stressful times to end, but we can have hope that God will show up. The Lord IS . . . he IS with us in the hard times! The Lord IS our light and salvation. The Lord IS the stronghold of our lives. This is the source of our confidence, the source of our joy despite any circumstance. We do not need to fear!

I get so consumed with chasing the coming and going of the sun, but what I really want to chase is the “light” that God created to dispel the darkness and chaos on this earth, for I know that when I am led and guided by his eternal light, he comforts my sorrows and calms my fears.

Friend, if you are in a dark time and can’t see light at the end of your tunnel, you may be looking in the wrong direction. I’d encourage you to not focus on the darkness; fix your gaze upon the Lord and trust HIM. The LIGHT is our confidence. Darkness has been defeated!
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