Blinded Fools

One of the things I dislike most about my role as youth pastor is trying to discern if someone is lying to me. Working with teens, and truthfully a lot of adults are not much better, it is tough sometimes to discern who is lying and who is telling the truth. I’ll be honest, a lot of times I weigh the cost of even trying to find out! I feel like sometimes I could be a full-time investigator, which is not what I want to be!

Well, when it comes to whether or not to believe in Jesus, it is not only smart to investigate, it is necessary. The cost of knowing if Jesus is who he says he is couldn’t be greater. Here in John 8, Jesus basically states that you don’t have to just take his word for it, but that God testifies about him and is a witness that Jesus is who he says he is!!! This is one of the greatest things about Christianity, we are not asked to believe unreasonably, but God has given us so much evidence and proof that Jesus is who he says he is; that our faith is not blind but is based off God’s testimony in the Old Testament (not to mention the slew of people who testified and gave up their lives in the New Testament, stating that Jesus is the savior of the world!). The fact that Jesus was born to a virgin, in the town of Bethlehem, would come from the line of David, he would be called a Nazarene, narrows things down a ton, but the fact that Jesus fulfills hundreds of prophesies is God testifying— DON’T MISS THIS!!!!!

So, I challenge you, if you come to church but your faith is wavering because of doubts, don’t remain blind—investigate! What God has offered us about Jesus is there to help build our faith, because God wishes that all will come to the saving knowledge of him, and he has supplied that knowledge so that no one should miss it!!!
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