Do Not Judge….That Way

Let’s get right down to the nitty gritty, because this passage of scripture is a can of worms. This passage of scripture is purely talking about judging others in terms of putting others down and thinking of others below you. There is a balance to judging, and Christians are to hold each other to a moral standard, by calling out sin in a loving way to help them in their walk. Christians are not to turn a blind eye to the sins of our brothers and sisters in Christ, but we are told to judge accordingly in those situations in terms of helping, disciplining, and keeping each other accountable. So please understand, when we are told in this section by Jesus to “not judge”, it is not a blanket statement to not judge each other and hold each other to a higher standard, but a statement to not look down at others, to not be mean, to not gossip, and to not be critical.

I say all that to say, we are all guilty of harshly judging others for being different, or having different opinions, or just living differently than us. Sometimes we relish in those critical moments, because it may give us this feeling of being superior—but make no mistake, you have problems too, you live differently, have different opinions, as the very person you are being critical of. I hate to be the bearer of bad news…… but this makes you a hypocrite!

As someone who is on the receiving end of a lot of criticism, especially within the church world (never at Emmanuel), it hurts. I was once asked if I would be willing to get counseling to be “more manly”, from a pastor, if you can believe that! I have been told to not dress with such bright colors, because it “isn’t masculine”. Thinking of those moments, it still stings, because people can just be downright mean, but in the church, you would think there would be more love and grace, but I have been hurt far more by people in church than people in the world for being uniquely me. Don’t get me wrong, I deserve judgement, to be held to a higher standard with sin and anything that I may say or do that doesn’t glorify God! I love my friends that keep me in that place, but there is never room for God’s people to be mean and judgmental for the sake of putting someone down.

So, let me challenge you, Christian. Watch what you say to your brothers and sisters within the body of Believers, be mindful of what thoughts you have of them, and be careful about how you treat them. People are watching you; people can be influenced to not like someone by the opinions you may say out loud that you shouldn’t. Don’t be foolish to think you are above such criticisms yourselves. Love our beautiful community of people that God has brought together, a woven work of art of people of different tribes, tongues, and nations. Let all that you think, do, and say to people be filled with LOVE, for surely this pleases the Lord!
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